Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: The BookBaby Blog

Are you worrying about all the wrong things?

When you take control of your own writing career, there’s a lot to keep track of: the writing itself, book design, publishing, accounting, social media, maintaining a website, book tours, PR campaigns, blogging, and so much more.

With all that responsibility, it’s easy to lose track of what’s important. If you stress about each task equally, you’ll end up doing none of them well.

To help clarify your vision, here’s a little reminder:

Your #1 marketing goal as an indie author should be to build your email list

Why? Because countless studies have shown that a subscriber on your email list is FAR more likely to take a requested action than one of your social media followers. In other words, when you announce a limited-time sale on your newest book, you’re going to get the best results (at least in terms of percentages) from your email newsletter.

This is increasingly the case as social platforms like Facebook make it more difficult to reach your followers without paid advertising or promotion.

Make sure you have an email signup form on your website

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Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Should Novelists Write About Writing? Here’s Why Not - Mridu Khullar Relph
  2. Fiction University (The Other Side of the Story): Five Ways to Grow Your Novel
  3. Screenwriting Article - The Secret To Writing Good Dialogue - ScriptShadow
  4. Do Authors Dream of Electric Books?: Beware: writer at work by Roz Morris
  5. The Art Of Using Correct Verb Tenses In Your Writing
  6. 13 Google+ Tools to Improve Your Marketing | Social Media Examiner
  7. Branding 101 For Authors
  8. 3 tips to writing better action scenes in your novel
  9. How to Fill a “Hole” on the Bookstore Shelf by Nina Amir — The Book Designer
  10. Comparing Yourself with Others | Self-Published Authors Helping Other Authors
  11. 5 Ideas for Writing Blog Posts When You Feel Stuck | Goins, Writer
  12. Is Honesty the Most Important Trait in a Likable Character? - Helping Writers Become Authors
  13. RT @CliveEaton: MARKETING TIPS 4 Authors - The importance of creating an #Author brand - #ASMSG
  14. The Future of Hybrid Authors + Who Influences Our Purchases [Smart Set] | Jane Friedman
  15. 3 Reasons You Should Stop Seeking Validation
  16. How to Increase Fan Engagement on Your Facebook Page — Amy Porterfield
  17. How to build your email list: email marketing tips for authors
  18. A Writer's Biggest Struggle | Goins, Writer
  19. Filing Taxes as a Freelancer: 10 Mistakes to Avoid
  20. Building a Theme through Character Arcs | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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