Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Matthew X. Gomez

Pantser- a writer who creates by the seat of his or her pants. May or may not believe in a scared muse that shines forth inspiration through which the writer is merely the conduit. Slops words on the page and then, only then sees what sticks.

Plotter- the writer who meticulously plans, outlines, and takes notations before setting in to the actual act of creation. May or may not engage in extensive worldbuilding, character biographies and intricate plots.

So which one am I then?

I tend to be a pantser by nature. I like to sit down at my laptop with maybe a title or an idea, and sometimes not even the title, and see where it takes me. It’s a fluid, open kind of write, and usually when I’m about two or three hundred words in I get a sense of the general direction the story is going in. Sometimes I resist the urge to follow exactly my first instinct. Why? Maybe it seems too similar to something I was just watching/reading/playing. Maybe I think of a way to twist it just so to keep it fresher (if not for my readers than definitely for me).


Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. RT @elizabethscraig: Finding Voice in Middle Grade: @MLConklin
  2. The Strongest Brand In Publishing Is ...
  3. Transitive Verbs Daily Writing Tips
  4. The Computer Mouse Still Roars | The Passive Voice |
  5. BookMarketingBuzzBlog: Surprises On Who Buys What Type Of Books – and From Where
  6. The Creative Penn Blog: Helping you write, publish and market your book | The Creative Penn
  7. The Write Conversation : Social Media Monday—A List of Social Media Platforms and How They're Used
  8. 5 Hashtag Tracking Tools for Twitter, Facebook and Beyond | Social Media Examiner
  9. The 3 Most Common Problems with First Person POV and How to Fix Them - Marcy Kennedy
  10. Six Tips to Crafting a Better Author Bio: Write A Life Story Worth Reading! | Where Writers Win
  11. The Sweet Escape – RePost: Writing Lessons from Fanfiction #2: How to Take the Good With the Bad
  12. The Missing Dwarven Phaser: Free Website Hosting ::
  13. 4 Tips For Coming Up With Brilliant Ideas Under Pressure
  14. Character Violence | L.Z. Marie
  15. Where Writers Win - Marketing, Websites, Training and Tools for Emerging Authors
  16. Writer's Carnival — Pantser or Plotter?
  17. Carol Hedges: Do Writers Need Agents?
  18. How to Write Your Novel’s First Draft in Just 2 Months | A Beautiful Fiction
  19. Case Study: The Square-One Death of a Story @storyfix
  20. Author Website Tech: CPanel Basics
  21. Writing Help 55 Words to Describe Someone’s Voice #amwriting
  22. Are You Living Your Dream? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  23. Fiction University (The Other Side of the Story): Becoming a Self-Published Author
  24. The World Of Social Media Monitoring And Analytics [INFOGRAPHIC] - AllTwitter
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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