Thursday, April 11, 2013

18 Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

How to Promote Your Book on Twitter: An Intermediate’s Guide to Tweeting

By Chris Robley via The BookBaby Blog

Promoting your book on Twitter: the next steps

[If you're just getting started on Twitter, check out our "Top 3 Articles About Promoting Your Book on Twitter."]

You’ve been using Twitter for a little while now to promote your book. You’ve uploaded your profile pic and posted a bio. You’ve been tweeting, re-tweeting, favoriting, replying, following, and gaining followers yourself. You’re familiar with hashtags, mentions, and direct messages. You’re using Twitter in order to share interesting information, post exciting news about your own writing career, and join other conversations. (i.e. — you’re not a Twitter spammer; you’re not just screaming “Buy my book” every few hours.)

If the above describes you — congratulations! You’ve graduated to the status of intermediate tweeter. (Sounds like a condition, right?) In this article, you’ll learn a few new tricks to take your Twitter game to a whole new level. And you can do all your tweeting in less time than it takes to cook, eat, and clean the dishes.

Effective book promotion on Twitter in less than 2 hours a week

Click here to read the complete article (see #1 below) 


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again: 
  1. Promoting Your Book on Twitter: An Intermediate's Guide: @chrisrobley @elizabethscraig
  2. Ten Successful Tips For Independent Authors via @RStephenson5
  3. Deciding to Self-publish After Rejection: @criticalmargins RT @elizabethscraig
  4. Inner Dialogue in Your Fiction: What It Is and How to Tell Good from Bad @MarcyKennedy @janice_hardy
  5. Should You Write What's Hot? @janice_hardy
  6. Literary Agents: Not Quite Dinosaurs via @RachelleGardner
  7. Barnes & Noble Launches NOOK Press
  8. The Evolving World of Publishing: What authors must know to succeed via @bookgal
  9. Notes from Tabor Lane: 18 Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts
  10. Be bold, set a goal via @Gwen_Hernandez "Take control of your fear, figure out what you really want and why"
  11. The Number Of UK Twitter Users Has Doubled In The Past Two Years [STUDY]
  12. Does Good Writing Matter? via Daily Writing Tips
  13. Most Common Mistakes Series: Are You Skipping the Best Parts? via @KMWeiland
  14. Breaking in: The Pie Chart: @Julie_Gray RT @elizabethscraig:
  15. What’s happening with the Amazon Affiliate Program – An Update from Anthony Wessel of Digital Book Today
  16. The Discoverability Challenge: With More Authors Self-Publishing Each Year, How Will Your Book Get Noticed? via @thecreativepenn
  17. How I Wish Amazon Reviews Worked
  18. Notes from Tabor Lane: Kathy Logan Talks Romance Writing and Using Twitter to Market Your Book  

I’m always looking for great content to share. If you have a writing and/or marketing blog, or have a favorite that you visit often, please leave a link in the comment section. Thanks for stopping by.

Happy writing & running, Kathy

Check out these links to writing & marketing blog posts. Click to Tweet.

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