Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Hannah J. Shaw

For some reason, female characters have a tendency to seem weak if they are: A) vulnerable or B) kind. And you’re writing about a character with both. The problem that you might be having is because she doesn’t have a bad attitude or a sharp tongue so she only seems to show her vulnerability or how she is considerate of others. But the truth is, she doesn’t need to be a character putting on a “tough girl” image to seem strong. So, how do you strengthen up the “sweet and vulnerable female character”? 

Give her a strength. I’m not a fan of the “tough-girl with the sharp tongue” trope, but I know lots of people are - that’s fine, but the characters I like the best usually are sweet and kind but have the legs to stand on their own. Give her a “strength” somewhere in her personality - easiest way to pull this out, is to make her good at something. If she’s not good at something, make her determined to achieve something (her determination can be a strength).  

If she’s isn’t particularly ‘good’ at anything…

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. How To Choose A Main Character - Writeonsisters.com http://ow.ly/F8MAC
  2. How To Strengthen A Female Character http://ow.ly/F8N3x
  3. Writing needs vs. wants | Elizabeth Ayres Center for Creative Writing http://ow.ly/F8NlC
  4. 3 Tips for Writers Who Are NOT Their Own Worst Critic http://ow.ly/F8NIV
  5. Why Is Concept The First Concern In Screenwriting?The Story Department http://ow.ly/F8Odn
  6. Project to Published: Facebook Hosting Styles and Examples | Emma Michaels http://ow.ly/F8Q2k
  7. The Eight Characters of Comedy | Gideon's Screenwriting Tips: So Now You're a Screenwriter... http://ow.ly/F8Qkm
  8. 21 Proofreading and Editing Tips for Writers | Writing Forward http://ow.ly/F9N8T
  9. Insights Into the Hot Trend of Social Media Content Curation http://ow.ly/F9NKP
  10. Email Marketing - Mixing Video With Email Marketing: Four Inspiring Examples and Three Quick Tips http://ow.ly/F9NYb
  11. Finishing Your Novel: how to know when you're done writing your book - BookBaby Blog http://ow.ly/F9Oj4
  12. How to Optimize Your Pins for the Pinterest Smart Feed | Social Media Examiner http://ow.ly/Fagaz
  13. What to Do BEFORE You Launch A Product On Your Blog : @ProBlogger http://ow.ly/Fagmw
  14. Writer Unboxed » Social Media the Second Time Around http://ow.ly/FagyK
  15. 5 Writing Hacks Every Writer Must Know — Cobbling Words — Medium http://ow.ly/FagKg
  16. This Simple Strategy Will Stuff Your Business so Full of Content That It Will Have to Wear Its Fat Pants http://ow.ly/FahCJ
  17. 5 Reasons Why Facebook Drives Consumer Buying - Infographic http://ow.ly/FahXM
  18. 13 Things You May Not Know About Agents - Books & Such Literary Management : Books & Such Literary Management http://ow.ly/FaiwZ
  19. 10 Tips on Writing Dialogue - Jane Friedman http://ow.ly/FaiJO
  20. When Do You Need to Secure Permissions? - Jane Friedman http://ow.ly/FaiUn
  21. 10 Underestimated Blogs Worth a Writer's Attention - Where Writers Win http://ow.ly/FaLvN
  22. #Blog #Tips Tag So You’re It-How to Tag your Blog Right. | ronovanwrites http://ow.ly/FaXzR
  23. Will you ever buy mostly e-books? | Nathan Bransford, Author http://ow.ly/FbIe9
  24. ‎45 Brilliant Plugins To Enhance Your WordPress Blog http://ow.ly/FbU7a
  25. How To Get Twitter Followers And Increase Your Engagement http://ow.ly/FbUab
Happy running and writing, Kathy 

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