Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Peg Fitzpatrick

Taking the time and effort to create the perfect social media post has never been more important. All social media platforms are swamped with content – both good and bad. After you’ve taken the time to create great content or curated something to share, you need to present it in the smartest possible way.

Content is currency — something we trade for our audience’s attention.” Frank Strong

I think that social media is the new television and that you need to be entertaining and informative with your social media. You’ve worked hard to build your content strategy but having a laser beam focus on only your brand doesn’t always build or maintain people’s attention which is as best around seven to ten seconds. The average attention span was twelve seconds in 2000 and was eight seconds in 2012 according to Statistic Brain. Wow, right?

So, what does this mean for today’s social media marketers and professionals? You need to be entertaining and add some fun into your social media content mix. Promoting only your product, book or blog non-stop won’t be interesting to anyone, most likely not even yourself. Keeping your ratio of content at 90 percent other people’s content (OPC) and 10 percent your own content will help you but don’t be too dry or stuffy when you create your editorial calendar.

Tips by social media platform

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Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets Sunday and Monday, here they are again:
  1. Writer Unboxed » Outlining: Why I Made the Switch and Tips for Trying It http://ow.ly/EK1m8
  2. 5 Free Wordpress Themes for Writers | Jane Friedman http://ow.ly/EK2PY
  3. Tips On Writing A Sequel | DeeScribewriting Blog http://ow.ly/EK31X
  4. Excuse me for blurbing — Sci-Fi Strange — Medium http://ow.ly/EK3op
  5. A Newbie's Guide to Publishing: Amazon Will Slash Your Royalties! http://ow.ly/EK5Dt
  6. QueryTracker Blog: The Secrets of Subtext http://ow.ly/EK6cD
  7. MAYHEM: The Conversation http://ow.ly/EK6ph
  8. How to Get Book Reviews on Amazon http://ow.ly/EK70d
  9. Divas on Writing: Is Your Story Bloated? - Write Divas http://ow.ly/EK7il
  10. #Nanowrimo: Kernel Idea Examples | Write on the River http://ow.ly/EK7pN
  11. 3 Ways Your Characters Could Forgive Or Not | Writerology http://ow.ly/EK7ts
  12. Retrofitting Adult Non-Fiction Retrofitted for YA Readers - Publishing Perspectives http://ow.ly/EK7wC
  13. Terri Tiffany Inspirational Writer: Inspirational Fiction--to preach or not to preach http://ow.ly/EK7Co
  14. The Wake-Up Call: What it Means to Be A Self-Published Writer - Write Hacked http://ow.ly/EK9kG
  15. Use Cyber Monday To Market Your Book | Molly Greene: Writer http://ow.ly/EK9qo18-Point Checklist for Selling Books - Social Media Just for Writers http://ow.ly/EK9GL
  16. Should You Self-Publish or Go Traditional? This Chart Will Help You Decide http://ow.ly/EK9Mt
  17. Editors’ Post-NaNo Tips for Revising Your Novel by Corina Koch MacLeod and Carla Douglas — The Book Designer http://ow.ly/EK9S5
  18. How to Create a WordPress Blog in 5 Minutes http://ow.ly/EK9ZG
  19. Web Sites - Seven Tips for Creating Credibility for a Marketable Website : MarketingProfs Article http://ow.ly/EKayr
  20. How to Create the Perfect Social Media Post http://ow.ly/EKcWK
  21. Anne R. Allen's Blog: 8 Bogus "Rules" New Writers Tell Each Other http://ow.ly/EKHxk
  22. Fiction University: Real Life Diagnostics: Conveying Internal Thought Without Using Italics http://ow.ly/ENCKG
  23. Creating Strong Characters—Some Typical Challenges - Elizabeth Spann Craig http://ow.ly/END9h
  24. When book sales are slow… how to keep motivated | Nail Your Novel http://ow.ly/ENDpj
  25. What’s Cooking? The Writer’s Relief Recipe For A Successful Submission Strategy - Writer's Relief, Inc. http://ow.ly/ENDLh
  26. How To Make Your Best Webcam Impression | Molly Greene: Writer http://ow.ly/ENE0s
  27. The 15 Most Common WordPress Mistakes to Avoid - Jeffbullas's Blog http://ow.ly/ENEmQ
  28. How to Create a Brand Persona on Social Media http://ow.ly/ENET0
  29. Marketing Strategy - What Are Small Businesses Doing Wrong During the Holidays? : MarketingProfs Article http://ow.ly/ENF8p
  30. 5 Facebook Holiday Contest Ideas to Boost Your Sales http://ow.ly/ENH5p
  31. 6 Simple Rituals To Reach Your Potential Every Day | Fast Company | Business + Innovation http://ow.ly/ENHwQ
  32. 10 Strategies for Working Much Smarter http://ow.ly/ENHIb
  33. Why You Should Welcome Anything Less Than 5 Star Reviews http://ow.ly/ENHXi
  34. Kindle Pricing Strategies: How to Price Your eBook for Maximum Success http://ow.ly/ENIgM
  35. What You Need to Know about Facebook's Latest Revamp - Books & Such Literary Management http://ow.ly/ENIAC
  36. Facebook Changes Stripes Once Again, Organic Brand Posts Now Endangered 11/15/2014 http://ow.ly/ENJgg
  37. Is 'Finding Your Voice' as a Writer Just Plain Laughable? http://ow.ly/ENLwt
  38. Secrets to Ebook Success as Ebook Publishing Gets More Difficult - Marketing Tips For Authors http://ow.ly/ENLXM
  39. What I Learned About Advertising on My Trip to India http://ow.ly/ENN4N
  40. How Music Affects the Writing Process - Helping Writers Become Authors http://ow.ly/ENNke
  41. How To Write Your First Book http://ow.ly/ENNuA
  42. Connecting Subplots with Each Other and the Main Story Arc: How Can This Work? | http://ow.ly/ENNMZ
  43. A Writer’s Cheatsheet to Plot and Structure http://ow.ly/ENNZg
  44. How to Double Your Story's Conflict in Seconds - Helping Writers Become Authors http://ow.ly/ENO9p
  45. Novel writing tips | How to explain your story without using backstory http://ow.ly/ENOpg
  46. 11 best practices for working with an editor - Alexandra Samuel http://ow.ly/ENOVX
Happy running and writing, Kathy 

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