Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Erika Liodice

Back in July, I wrote a post about my reluctant journey into the seemingly overwhelming world of audiobook production and the lessons I learned along the way. I shared my advice for choosing a narrator and selecting the right royalty structure, and warned of some production perils to avoid. Many of you responded to that post with questions about how to market an audiobook. As a former corporate marketeer, your interest in this side of things got me excited— probably because my friends’ eyes glaze over when I say words like “metadata” or “demographics”—so I’ve returned today to address the issue.

As an independent author and publisher, I’m constantly faced with the challenge of how to compete in a crowded marketplace with titles that have big budgets and entire publicity teams behind them. Many shy away from the challenge, chalking it up as impossible, but I’ve learned that you can reach readers without spending big money; you just have to be creative.

Here are nine easy and inexpensive ideas you can try right away…

1. Reviews

Just as there are reviewers for print and e-books, there are reviewers who specialize in audiobooks.

. . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Anne R. Allen's Blog: How to Write Chapter Endings That Make Readers Want to Turn the Page
  2. Writer Unboxed » 9 Easy & Inexpensive Ways to Promote Your Audiobook
  3. #Publishing: 6 Hot Trends in Indie Book Marketing - JeriWB
  4. Character Talents and Skills: Reading The Weather - WRITERS HELPING WRITERSWRITERS HELPING WRITERS
  5. Dreams vs. Goals: Do You Dream of Being a Writer? |
  6. 9 Reasons Your Reader is Bored | Ingrid's Notes
  7. 3 Ways Community Improves Your Writing | Linda S. Clare
  8. Succeed At Writing: The Writer's Secret Magical Genius Part 2
  9. BookMarketingBuzzBlog: How To Sell Your Book In 10 Steps
  10. How to deal with literary rejection: keep going!
  11. Is E-Reading to Your Toddler Story Time, or Simply Screen Time? | The Passive Voice |
  12. ThrillWriting: Arson Information for Thriller Writers
  13. Think Short to Finally Get that Book Blogged
  14. Following Up on Submissions | Self-Published Authors Helping Other Authors
  15. Seriously Write: Scene Setting Tips by Gina Holmes
  16. Writing and Marketing: 4 Major Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Blog Posts
  17. The Flush Pile - An Author's Perspective - Writer's Diary Writer's Diary
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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