Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday's Links to Writing & Marketing blog Posts


By: G. Doucette

Writing a decent sex scene isn't easy. I learned this the hard way, several times over, when writing my first erotic novel after years of penning sci-fi/fantasy genre books that averaged between zero and one such scene per book.

One novel hardly makes me an expert, but I learned a few things when transitioning from the fade to black variety of sex scene to the that was so graphic I think I may have committed a crime sort. Perhaps I can offer a road map to other writers seeking to make the same transition.

1. Practice makes perfect . . .

Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
Jill Kemerer: Building an Author Platform Wore Me Out

  1. How to take criticism like a champ: Pinterest
  2. Writability: On Writing Dead Genres
  3. Author, Jody Hedlund: 6 Key Things to Consider When Developing Characters
  4. 3 Tips on How To Manage Literary Agents - Script Magazine
  5. When to unveil your book cover - Books & Such Literary Management : Books & Such Literary Management
  6. AUTHORS: 3 Signals It Might Be Time To End Your Series | Creative Writing with the Crimson League
  7. James Scott Bell: The "Write From The Middle" Method | WRITERS HELPING WRITERSWRITERS HELPING WRITERS
  8. How to Write a Good Sex Scene | G. Doucette
  9. Author Entrepreneur: Eight Essentials to Make Writing Pay the Bills | The Creative Penn
  10. Anne R. Allen's Blog: Building Platform: What Most Writers are Getting Wrong
  11. QueryTracker Blog: Five Ways to Land an Agent
  12. Six Marketing Tips to Help You Find an Audience For Your Book - BLOG - Stories To Tell Books
  13. Southern Writers: Suite T: Three Reasons You Might Be Tangled in the Web of Complacency
  14. How to Sell More Ebooks With Simple, One-time Actions | Jimmie Lanley
  15. 6 Fixes For Repetitive Writing via @HuffPostBooks
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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