Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again: 
  1. The Other Side of the Story: Marky Marketing: Promoting Your Book http://ow.ly/ogvyF\  
  2. On the relationship between plot and character http://ow.ly/ogvFt
  3. The Alliterative Allomorph: Should Authors Post Negative Reviews? http://ow.ly/ogvIl
  4. How many drafts until you’re done? | Mystery Writing is Murder http://ow.ly/ogvN0
  5. Plotting, Pantsing, and Knowing When To Let Go by Katherine Longshore http://ow.ly/ogvRO
  6. Why Watching TV Can Actually Be Good For a Writer | WritersDigest.com http://ow.ly/ogvWS
  7. Is Google Plus Important for Search Engine Optimization? - Jeffbullas's Blog http://ow.ly/ogw5z\
  8. 10 Types of Rotten Writing Advice | The Creativity Post http://ow.ly/ogwTr
  9. How Social Media Can Make Image Marketing Hotter | SociableBlog http://ow.ly/ogxi0
  10. Twitter Is Following Facebook And Google Into The Controversial Ad “Retargeting” Space | SociableBlog http://ow.ly/
  11. 12 Most Stupidly Simple Ways to Improve Your Writing | BloggerBeat http://ow.ly/ogx1Q
  12. 3 Justifications for Altering Quotations http://ow.ly/ogySs
  13. The Problem with Writing About People You Know, and 3 Ways to Solve It http://ow.ly/ohGxF
  14. Writer Unboxed » Blind Spots and Obsessions in Historical Fiction: What Were They Thinking? http://ow.ly/ohOec
  15. Novel Rocket: Can You Explain Why Authors Write This Way So Often? by James L. Rubart http://ow.ly/ohOti
  16. Writing Tips - Publishers list of phrases for writers to avoid | authonomy writing community http://ow.ly/ohOxd
  17. A Writer's Journey: Profanity in Genre Fiction http://ow.ly/ohOHB
  18. Bloggers, Reviewers and Street Teams? « All About Romance’s News & Commentary Blog http://ow.ly/ohOMw

 Happy writing & running, Kathy


Check out these links to writing & marketing blog posts. Click to Tweet.

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