Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts


Arrived about 1:00 a.m. EST. London was wide awake, but not me. Took a nap, ate a snack, ran a 5K. For a pre-race meal, I ate a BLT sandwich. Bacon should be a food group of its own. I was so tired that I didn’t realize I had taken my orthotics out of my Newtons to put into another pair or running shoes, so I ran without even the inserts that came with the shoes. Ran pretty well though. Not as fast as my 5K 4th of July race, but all-in-all, I was pleased.

The out-and-back race course followed the Thames River. I ran with an embryologist from Perth. We had a great chat about the cost of IVF in Australia and the US. FYI: You can get through three cycles in Australia for the cost of one in the US.  

After the race and a shower, Ken and I ventured to Curzon Street for dinner where we found an eclectic group of restaurants. Decided on a pub and had fish and chips. 

Walking down the narrow streets, past a cigar store that had been in operation since the early 19th century, I could hear horses and carriage wheels on the cobbled streets and felt as though I was living in a Regency romance novel.

Staying in a hotel that was formerly an elegant townhome, put me in mind of a Regency romance even more. I've read dozens of stories where the characters stayed in their London townhome. Ken asked me if I was okay, that I seemed distant. I tried to explain that my writer’s mind was in sponge mode—soaking up the sights and sounds.

View of Grosvenor Square Garden 
from our hotel window
This morning I was trying to figure out how to make coffee when I realized the pot only heated water. What? No coffee. I drank a cup of tea then ordered room service.

What’s on the schedule for today? Ken’s off to meetings, and I’m going on an exploratory run through Hyde Park. This afternoon we’ll start on our must-see-list.

I've learned one thing for sure. I’ll never again complain about the cost of taxis in NYC.

I’m off for another day of my UK Adventure


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. The Ultimate Book Signing Checklist for Authors - BookBaby Blog http://ow.ly/mI5gX
  2. Novel Rocket: Do You Know a GOOD Rejection When You See One? http://ow.ly/mI7U0
  3. Get Your Camera Moving—Zooming In | Live Write Thrive http://ow.ly/mI80x "In a novel, the POV character is the camera . . ."
  4. 7 Methods for Handling Point-of-View Changes | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author http://ow.ly/mI86P
  5. Karen Woodward: The Key To Being A Productive Writer: Prioritize http://ow.ly/mI881
  6. Testing out your manuscript | The Author Chronicles http://ow.ly/mI8ar
  7. How to Craft a Happy Ending | WritersDigest.com http://ow.ly/mI8e0
  8. 10 common promo mistakes: http://t.co/chYmuyQPJR @Bookgal RT @elizabethscraig
  9. The Other Side of the Story: Move Along: Fixing Pacing Problems http://ow.ly/mI8ne  via @ Janice_Hardy
  10. What’s the Difference Between “Frantic” and “Frenetic”? http://ow.ly/mI9xc  via Daily Writing Tips
  11. Would you write if you had the time? (The one fool-proof way) - Time to Write http://ow.ly/mI6hd
  12. Roz Morris tells how to get self-published books into shops | Self-Publishing Advice http://ow.ly/mJ4f1
  13. Writers On The Move: Moving Out of Your Writing Comfort Zone http://ow.ly/mKqFj
  14. How to Become a Your Own Story Idea Generator http://ow.ly/mKqR6
  15. Is Your Outline Killing Your Novel? — A Writer’s Life — Medium http://ow.ly/mKqYL
  16. Wordplay: Helping Writers Become Authors: Are Your Multiple POVs Killing Your Story’s Suspense? http://ow.ly/mKr1F
  17. The Other Side of the Story: Even Alpha Writers Need Beta Readers http://ow.ly/mKr7Y via @tiffanyreisz @janice_hardy
  18. Cockeyed Caravan: Specific Genre Structure, Part 2: Thriller, Conspiracy and Action http://ow.ly/mKrex

I’m always looking for great content to share. If you have a writing and/or marketing blog, or have a favorite that you visit often, please leave a link in the comment section. Thanks for stopping by.

Happy writing & running, Kathy



Three Hoodies Save the World said...

The one thing you should never do in London, is even imply that you don't know where you're going to a taxi driver. If you do then you're in for a ride to eternity.

Candace Johnson said...

Hi Katherine,
I'd love for you to take a look at my blog; I post articles about writing and publishing. My latest post is How to Save Money on Editing by Preparing Your Manuscript http://wp.me/p2IvJd-uU. Thanks so much!