Friday, May 31, 2013

Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

I’ve read so many blogs and writing instructions that they are seeping out of my pores.  What they all tell me is what people want from my writing.

They tell me what I have to do for an editor, an agent and, of course, a reader.  What I can’t find is anything that makes me consider what it is I want from a reader.

Generally when you are writing you are doing so within the confines of a particular genre.  It is fair to say that editors and agents know what readers of that genre want to see so why not leave that to them?

What I believe is that when you are creating something as special and personal as a novel you need to ask what you want from the person that picks up your book and reads it.

I hadn’t thought of this until recently and it has changed how I write.  When I write now I keep in mind the things I want from a reader:


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again: 
  1. What Do You Want From Your Reader? @phillywriters RT @elizabethscraig
  2. WriterStrong: Keep Them Up All Night
  3. Is Your Facebook Page Performing Above Or Below Average? [Infographic]
  4. Writers, Forget About Your Weaknesses!
  5. Creative writing is like a box of chocolates: how to “git” what you want from that box
  6. Do Different Genres Have Different Results on Amazon’s KDP Select? Alison Pensy Shares Her Strategies
  7. Querying In the Digital Age: With Information Comes Power
  8. Who Said That??? Making Dialogue Crystal Clear by Marg McAlister
  9. Notes from Tabor Lane: Today's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts
  10. 9 Types of Functional Variation via Daily Writing Tips
  11. 89 Book Marketing Ideas That Will Change Your Life
  12. How Long Should a Scene Be? via @write_practice
  13. A Definition of Author Platform via @janefriedman
  14. 6 Reasons Google+ Beats Facebook for Author Platform Building by Marcy Kennedy
  15. How to Write a Terrible Novel via The Writers Alley
  16. How to Add “Click to Tweet” to Your Blog Posts
  17. How To Write A Compelling Pitch and Synopsis via @fcmalby
  18. Specific Structures: Individual Psychological Arcs via Cockeyed Caravan 

I’m always looking for great content to share. If you have a writing and/or marketing blog, or have a favorite that you visit often, please leave a link in the comment section. Thanks for stopping by.

Happy writing & running, Kathy

Check out these links to writing & marketing blog posts. Click to Tweet.

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