Sunday, May 5, 2013

18 Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By Joe Bunting @Joebunting via The Write Practice

In allegiance to Stephen King’s writerly maxim, “The only requirement is the ability to  remember every scar,” I’m considering writing a new series of stories about my father’s five year struggle with Chronic Fatigue Syndrom.

I was ten when my father had to quit work. His body was hurting all the time and he couldn’t think he was so tired. Ten is an age you need a father, but for five years he was largely absent, both physically and mentally. My mom was preoccupied and stressed bearing our family’s financial burdens. I went through the first, confusing years as a teenager all but alone.

But the question is: should I write the stories from this period of my life as non-fiction or channel them into my fiction?

The Advantages of Writing Creative Non-Fiction

Some of the best writers either got their start writing journalism and memoir. George Orwell’s first book was called Down and Out in Paris and London, a memoir about living in poverty in two of the world’s most famous cities.

Mark Twain’s first book was a collection of essays he wrote while travelling in Europe and the Middle East called The Innocents Abroad, or The New Pilgrim’s Progress. During Twain’s lifetime, the book sold more copies than any of his novels.

Here are three advantages to writing creative non-fiction:


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again: 
  1. Tips for rewrites: @DIYMFA RT @elizabethscraig
  2. The Other Side of the Story: How POV Can Solve Your Writing Troubles @Janice_Hardy |
  3. 5 Facebook Fan Page Problems and How to Fix Them
  4. Is Your One-Page Website Hurting Your Career?
  5. "The Rules" - Understand Them Before You Break Them - EM Castellan via Seeking the Write Life
  6. 8-Step Plan for Landing Book Promotion Endorsements
  7. How to Use Foreshadowing via @KMWeiland
  8. Feeling Stuck? End Book Marketing Paralysis in Just 5 Minutes
  9. Notes from Tabor Lane: Today's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts
  10. Helping Characters Gain Confidence: @jeanniecampbell RT @elizabethscraig
  11. Uncertainty: The Normal Writing Process
  12. Emotions that escalate: how to build tension successfully Do Free Ebooks Really Hook New Readers? via @JodyHedlund
  13. INFOGRAPHIC: How Facebook’s Graph Search Affects Your Privacy
  14. elium: Test Out Your Words on Readers
  15. Author Blogging 101: Introduction to SEO, Part 1 via @jfbookman
  16. Should You Write Nonfiction or Fiction? via Write_practice
  17. 5 Online Style Guides via Daily Writing Tips
  18. Amazon vs. Nook via @PassiveVoiceBlg 

I’m always looking for great content to share. If you have a writing and/or marketing blog, or have a favorite that you visit often, please leave a link in the comment section. Thanks for stopping by.

Happy writing & running, Kathy

Check out these links to writing & marketing blog posts. Click to Tweet.

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