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to Tabor Lane
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If you leave a comment or a question, your name will go into the pot to win a copy of Teresa's new book Timeless in ebook format.
us about yourself and where you live and work. My name is Teresa J. Reasor. I live
in a small Southeastern Kentucky town with my husband of 36 years. Soon to be
37 years on June 13th of this year. We
got married on Friday the 13th. Neither of us is superstitious.
I’ve just retired from twenty-one
and a quarter years of teaching elementary art. Now I’m writing full time. I’m
also an adjunct instructor for Eastern Kentucky University. This is my ninth
year with them.
your journey to becoming an author. When my children were babies, I penned several of the worst
category romances ever written. Thank God I never submitted them!!
Once my children were all in school
I went back to school to finish my degree and had little time to write anything
but term papers. But once I’d graduated, I joined the
Kentucky Romance Writers and met
several authors. The group was very nurturing to us newbies, and I started
learning about plot, point of view and etc.

The first manuscript I thought would
be good enough for publication was Highland Moonlight. I submitted it to all
the major editors who accepted unsolicited manuscripts. I learned all about
submitting, writing queries and learning to live through rejections during that
time. I got some really good rejections and some really harsh ones.

you gravitate toward specific genres in your writing? Yes. All my books have a degree of
suspense in them. The first two, Highland Moonlight and Captive Hearts are
Historical Romance.
The next one, released in June of
2011, was Breaking Free the first book of my SEAL Team Heartbreaker Series. It
is a Military Romantic Suspense.
The fourth book I released in
January 2012 and is titled Timeless. It is a Paranormal Romantic Suspense set
in Loch Maree, Scotland.
I have to have that suspense angle
in there to give an added dimension to the plot or I’m just not satisfied.
us about your latest published novel. Where can readers purchase your books? My latest release is titled
Timeless. Here is the blurb:
Archaeology student, Regan Stanhope,
lands the chance of a lifetime when she’s chosen to work on a summer dig in
Loch Maree, Scotland. The ancient monoliths hidden beneath the loch are the
most important discovery since Stonehenge. And for seven hundred years, they
have been waiting—for her.
Saturation diver Quinn Douglas is contracted to recover some of the megaliths from the loch’s bottom. The job will breathe life into the struggling salvage business he and his brothers are building. But from the moment he arrives, Quinn is plagued by dreams and feelings from a past he did not live. Or did he?
Regan and Quinn are drawn to each
other as they research the monoliths and the reason behind their shared
visions. But both sense something mystical at work, delving into their minds,
manipulating their emotions. And when they finally discover the monoliths’
extraordinary secret, they know they must seal them away from those who are
desperate to unlock their power. Even if it means remaining caught in a
timeless struggle between the past and present forever.
Timeless is the hardest thing I’ve
ever written. And I’ve had people tell me its completely different than
anything they’ve ever read. I hope it is. I don’t ever want to be cookie cutter
with any of my plots.
But I do know that it took me over a
year to research for the book and the same to write it.
It can be purchased at Amazon and
Barnes & Noble, both in print and ebook. And at Apple, Kobo, Sony and
Smashwords in any format you want.
are your favorite authors and how do they inspire your work? I’m very eclectic as a reader. I’ll
read anything from Erotic Romance to Christian, from Horror to Category. I’ve
never met a book I wouldn’t at least read the blurb for.
My favorite authors are: Sandra
Brown - her writing is so sensual. Kathleen Woodiwiss - we lost a wonderful
Historical Romance writer when she died.
These next three I’ve read to get
the man speak down. Every time I read their books they give me an insight into
the male psyche. Michael Connelly - I love his Harry Bosche series. Nelson
DeMille - I love his smartass alpha detective John Corey. Harlan Coben - I love the way his plots are seamlessly woven
together. The Woods is probably one of favorite books. Stephen King and Dean
Koontz - for their imaginations.
And I’ve read everything that
Suzanne Brockmann has written. Since I write Military Romantic Suspense, of
course I’d love her stuff. I’ve learned so much about Deep Point of View from
her. I could go on and on.
is your reading list like right now? I’m doing research for my current work in progress Breaking
Through. So I’m reading a bunch of books about PTSD and SEAL procedures. Dick
Couch’s Down Range and The Finishing School. Every Other Four a journal written
by Cpl Matthew Wytecki, Lethal Warriors by David Phillipps.
For pleasure I have: The Gate House
by Nelson De Mille, May Day by Thomas Block, Sizzling Sixteen by Janet
Evanovich, and Lover Reborn by J.D. Ward.
And for writing craft: On Writing
Romance by Leigh Michaels, Writing the Block Buster Novel by Albert Zuckerman, and
I’m revisiting The Fire in Fiction by Donald Maass. I never stop studying my
craft and trying to strengthen my writing. And if I’m not writing, I’m reading.
us about your current project. I’m currently working on the second book of my SEAL Team
Heartbreakers series Breaking Through. A hand injury has slowed my progress.
I’ll know soon whether I have to have surgery.
Here’s the blurb:
Ensign Brett Weaver wakes up from a
month-long coma to discover that he and his SEAL team swim buddy are being
investigated for murder. And that his friend and comrade may have tried to kill
Reporter Tess Kelly is working hard
to live up to her journalist father's expectations, so when Brett offers her
some information in exchange for an introduction to her father she jumps at the
chance. The explosive international situation Brett lobs into her father's lap
is a major scoop. But the secret she's
discovered about Brett Weaver could be just as controversial.
Will her feelings for this wounded
warrior win out, or will she choose to follow her father's path and release a
story that will destroy Brett's SEAL career?
I’m hoping to release Breaking
Through this summer.
It’s different from Breaking Free.
Breaking Free has only one romance in it. Breaking Through has four story lines
going at the same time, seven point of view characters, and a lot more SEAL
action in it. I’m hoping that my readers will feel as though they really got
their moneys worth and a wonderful reading experience with this one.
Brett is one of my favorite heroes
thus far. But I have to say I’m still in love with Hawk, the hero from the first book
of the series. But he’s in this one too, so if other readers feel the same way,
they’ll get a Hawk fix.
Thank you so much for having me on
your blog Kathy. I really appreciate the opportunity. I’ve really enjoyed doing
the interview.
Write on,
Teresa Reasor
You can find Teresa on the web
Thank you so much for having me today. I truly appreciate it.
Teresa R.
Good opportunity to get to know you a bit! Thanks for sharing your process. Timeless sounds like a really good book...
DeMille's John Corey is one of my all time favorite characters, but them im a sucker for the trickster archetype - Jim Butcher's Harry Dresden is another great example.
Have you ever written a smartass yourself? I'm hoping I have the courage to try in my next book. I'm building up to it with my current hero, but he's more wry than smartass.
We have so many favorite authors in common,. I actually have 5 Brockmanns (the early books with the historical component) in my small keeper collection.
Thanks, Teresa? I had fun chatting with you this am.
Loved getting to know you, Teresa. Can't wait for your next book.
Thanks so much for stopping by!!! I appreciate it.
Brett the character in this next SEAL romantic suspense titled Breaking Through is a smart ass. So maybe John Corey is rubbing off on me.
Thank you for stopping by and commenting!!
Teresa R.
I can't wait to get it finished!!
Teresa R.
Hello Teresa and Kathy! I loved this interview and the whole time I read it, I could hear your lovely southern voice coming through. Oh how I miss you.
Congrats on your publishing successes and I can't wait to read Timeless!
Thanks so much for coming by and leaving a comment. And I'm surprised even my typed words don't have a southern twang. LOL.
I miss you too. We need to get together at the next meeting and talk.
Teresa R.
Debi, Faith, Susan, and Renee: Thank you so much for stopping by today. Teresa and I both appreciate your visits.
There's a great picture on the Kentucky Romance Writers website of Renee and Teresa
Thanks for telling me about the photo. I didn't even know it was there.
Teresa R.
Great interview. I can't wait to read this book!
Thank you Morgan. I appreciate it. It's the most difficult thing I've ever written and I so want people to want to read it.
Teresa R.
I have to say Teresa is one of my favourite authors. She really gets into the head of each of her characters, making them each individual with every day issues that no matter what country you're in you can relate to.
Thanks so much for saying that. I try to put myself in each character's shoes while I'm writing them. Sometimes I go around doing man speak to my family. My husband already knows I'm nuts so he just ignores me.
I appreciate you visiting the blog!!!
Teresa R
A tad late, but made it! Always enjoy Teresa's writing and looking forward to 'Breaking Though'. All the best Teresa! So happy I stopped by...joined Notes from Tabor Lane and can't wait to read more from Katherine Lowry Logan..
Jennifer, it's never too late. Thanks for stopping by and also for joining "Notes." Kathy
Thanks so much for stopping by. And thank you for saying how much you enjoy my writing. That's always one of the best thrills when someone really likes what you've written.
Teresa R.
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