Monday, April 15, 2013

18 Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

Book signing at April Adele's Cafe
April 13, 2013

By Larry Brooks @storyfix

You think writing 100,000 words is tough?  That shaping them into a coherent and meaningful story is challenging?

Try writing 1000 words sometime.  Or 5,000.  With the same goal.

Try writing a short story.  

As paradoxical as it may seem, short stories are harder to wrap your head around than a novel.  And harder yet to successfully pull off.

For every famous short story writer out there, there are 100 famous novelists.  That’s no accident.

With Kentucky Independent Writers
Hallee Bridgeman, Donna Jane McDonald,
J.M. Madden 
April Adele's Cafe, Versailles, KY 
To help explain this – as much to myself as for those reading this – consider this analogy: we get about two decades to raise our children.  We have that long, give or take, to send them out into the world with a shot at success and happiness.

A lot has to happen.  Sometimes two decades isn’t enough.

Try doing it in six months.  Or even a year.

Writing a short story is like that. 

Click here to read the complete article (see #1 below)


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:  
  1. The Short Story on Structuring Your Short Story  via @storyfix
  2. How to Right a Book in Nine (Not So) Easy Steps via @write_practice RT @janice_hardy
  3. How to Read a Book Contract – How Long Does It Last? @PassiveVoiceBlg
  4. Tracking the Hybrid Author: @PassiveVoiceBlg @DigiBookWorld RT @elizabethscraig
  5. Writing Resources: The Elements of Style via Writing Forward @melissadonovan
  6. The Needs of A Successful Writer via The Writers Alley
  7. How to Get More Facebook Fans via @AmyPorterfield
  8. Working With a Writing Group, Writing Coach, or Beta Readers via @Wordstrumpet
  9. 7 Actionable Mobile Marketing Tactics via @HeidiCohen
  10. Notes from Tabor Lane: Today's 18 Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts
  11. Are Men and Women Using Mobile Apps Differently?
  12. How to Write a Blog Post  via Indies Unlimited
  13. What do readers want from frontmatter and endmatter?
  14. Self-Publishing Grabs Huge Market Share From Traditional Publishers
  15. Why the B&N contract linking is critical #writer #writers #author
  16. Four Steps to Finding Your Ideal Writing Voice via @copyblogger
  17. Chuck Wendig's Editing Plan: Edit A Novel In Four Months via @woodwardkaren
  18. Use Relationship Marketing to Sell Books 

I’m always looking for great content to share. If you have a writing and/or marketing blog, or have a favorite that you visit often, please leave a link in the comment section. Thanks for stopping by.

Happy writing & running, Kathy

Check out these links to writing & marketing blog posts. Click to Tweet.

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